What is my skin tone?

Okay, so following my last post I have been asked how to determine whether your skin is warm or cool toned.

It is important to know what skin tone you are as it will give you a better idea of what colours will look best on you. It is important to know which shades will enhance your skin colour as certain colours on the wrong skin tone can make you look ill. There are many tests that can be done to determine your skin tone and these should be done in natural light to get accurate results. There are exceptions but the main thing to remember is that if you like a colour and feel comfortable in it, then wear it πŸ™‚

The Vein Test

With your palms facing upwards, clench your fists and have a look at the veins. If they appear to be blue you are cool toned, if they are green you are warm toned.

The Fabric Test

Take a piece of fabric in the following colours – black and brown or white and off-white, looking in a mirror hold the fabric against your skin, if black and white look better against your skin you have a warm skin tone, if brown and off-white look better then you have a cool skin tone.

The Jewellery Test

Take a piece of gold jewellery and a piece of silver jewellery, while looking in a mirror hold the jewellery against your skin (one at a time), if the silver looks better you are cool toned and if the gold looks better you are warm toned.

Genetic Factors

There are many genetic factors that can determine your skin tone but please note, there are some exceptions so this method should be used as a guideline in conjunction with the above tests.


Ash blonde, dark brown, or black. (With blue or silver tones) = cool skin tone
Golden or reddish brown (think chestnut), golden blonde, red, strawberry blonde, black. (Yellow, orange, golden, red undertones) = warm skin tone


Amber, golden brown, hazel, or green = warm skin tone
light blue, grey, dark brown, or black = cool skin tone

So what difference does it make?

Warm skin tone
If you have a warm skin tone your foundation should be yellow based and earth tones like olives, brown, and rusts probably look amazing on you. Blushes should be peachy and makeup, like your skin should have gold and yellow undertones.

If you have a cool skin tone you foundation should be pink based and jewel tones like blues, violets Β and emerald green should look amazing on you. Blushes should be rosy and makeup, like your skin should have blue and rosy undertones.

There are some people who have a neutral skin tone and can basically wear any colour they want, however most people with a neutral skin tone tend to sway favourably one way.

I hope that has helped you understand what colours will best compliment your skin tone to allow yourself to look like your best gorgeous self πŸ™‚

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